Test your Memory- Do you remember the Ten Questions asked during ID Interviews?

Most of the 10 questions probably sound familiar. In the link below ask yourself if you have been asked any of these or if you have answered any of these.

“Here are 10 questions to ask during ID interviews to ensure that you’re touching on those capabilities found outside of ID.”


By Heidi Kirby
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Based in Cleveland, Ohio, Heidi Kirby is a customer education manager, Ph.D. candidate in instructional design and technology at Old Dominion University, and host of the BLOC (Building Learning and Organizational Culture) podcast for L&D professionals. She got her start as a college English professor but has since worked as an instructional designer for NASA, a large health insurance company, software-as-a-service organizations, and a unicorn start-up company. She also teaches graduate-level podcasting and coaches/teachers new instructional designers. For her PhD program, she is studying leadership competencies instructional designers need to be successful. Her career goal is to continue to grow her leadership skills to bring positive change and a sense of belonging and learning culture.

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