Introduce yourself!

Please introduce yourself – your full name, job title / company, LinkedIn profile and a topic about which you are most passionate and endlessly learning :wave:


Guess I’ll go first! I’m Lynn Christiansen Esquer of NovoEd. I’m pretty new to the L&D industry and am excited to learn more! Who’s next?


Hello to all! I’m Roxann Riskin and I’ve been so very happy to have been a LXD Coach, Mentor since the LXD 4 course session! I think about 5 years! It is thrilling to be here now as an LXD Facilitator, and to see how much excitement there continues to be in the evolution of the learning experience design profession. Our LXD community has incredible people of amazing skills and talents! I’m lucky to call many my LXD professional colleagues! As I’m typing this, two things stand out in my mind. The first is the LXD community’s personal and professional resilience to resist a good enough ideology of accepting the status quo, and to feed, feel and invigorate a flow of vibration and energy of excitement when designing exemplary learning experiences. The second is a recognition and affirmation of the importance of embracing a positive mindset, being keenly aware of the enormous benefits of catalyzing online and offline LXD learning experiences, as credible and valuable in teaching and learning environments. The LXD experiences have for me professionally, lead to designing deeper, more meaningful, optimized teaching and learning experiences that I believe are par excellence. I believe life long learning experiences are cultivated by awesome LXD professionals. I’m happy to be here with you!
Just a little more about my background… My first LXD Design was actually right in NOVO Ed. LXD platform where I designed Mindfulness Practices for Stress Reduction for professionals and non degreed professionals. Since that time, I have become a certified Mindfulness educator, a credentialed YA Yoga instructor and also I teach online Zumba Dance. I’m currently upskilling my current Yoga credential in trauma /adaptive yoga. My background experiences are in higher education, where I held a university position for over 12 years as a library technology specialist and lower education as a technology and special education teacher for many years. My Instructional Design Credential is from the University of Washington. My professional learning experiences CEU’s and post grad professional degrees and credentials are almost all from online platforms and universities.


Wow, @Roxann, what amazing experience and perspective! We are so glad to have you here!


Terry Traut here. I’m CEO of Entelechy, Inc., a company that provides customized leadership development experiences. I have some rudimentary experience developing on social learning platforms and even helped a local university create its framework for using Blackboard. Many of my staff have been immersed in designing and developing on NovoEd and WOW what an amazing platform. We’re currently developing out our award-winning leadership development program, Unleash Your Leadership Potential, on NovoEd and it will be amazing. I’m here to learn.


Atul Dayal, Master Trainer - Soft Skills/ Teerthanker Mahaveer University, atuldayal…Very passionate about Presentation Skills


Hi all,
I am Ridvan Saglam, a freelance e-learning developer from Turkey.
I worked as an EFL teacher in different language schools for many years. Two years ago, I decided to quit my teaching job and just focus on my e-learning career.
I love this field since it makes me try to learn more and do more. I see each project I take part in as a challenge and try to find ways to improve myself.
I have always been interested in serious games, and using my gaming experience in my projects is what I love most about my job.
These days, I have been trying to improve my video editing skills.
Here is my LinkedIn profile;


Hi all! I am Jennifer Brown, a Senior Learning Experience Designer at Anthem. I recently moved to North Carolina after living my entire life in Maine - a huge change on the snow front! I am passionate about communication and change management, both having a major role in Learning Design and Delivery.

My LinkedIn profile:


Hello All,
I’m Rachael Dougherty, Training Administrator for the City of Port Orange, FL. I recently joined the city and am building their training program from scratch. In doing so, after 6 years in L&D, I’m just now really getting into Analytics and measuring success of a learning program.


Hello everyone!

I’m Gena Jean and I have also been working in the realm of Higher education, both as a faculty member and department chair, then as the leader of our professional development team and most recently as a leader of a team of instructional designers. I am excited to get to know everyone and learn and grow in my LXD journey.

Here is my LinkedIn profile:


Hello All! My name is Dale Hisiger and I am coming to you from Armonk, New York. That’s about 35 miles north of Manhattan. I have been in the Learning & Development space for 30 years and have certainly seen a lot of changes in the tools we use to design our programs. What hasn’t changed in all this time is the need for clear Learning Objectives. They set the stage for the picture of success of your program, enable your sponsors to understand if the behaviors being taught will add value to the organization and provide the foundation for you to design an engaging program that will delight and energize your participants.

I took the NovoEd LDX course a few years ago and have been a LDX Coach three times. I hold a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, a Post Masters Certificate in Organizational Development and Change Management, and am Certified as an Executive Coach as well as leadership assessments.

Please connect with me on LinkedIn at:

I am looking forward to working with all of you to develop great LDX programs.


Hi all!

I’m Dima, a Learning Designer at MC-Bauchemie. While creating e-courses, editing videos, and podcasting I’m raising my daughter to be bilingual.

Since January 2021 I’ve been working on a fascinating project. It’s a sales course for the salesforce of our customers. There are videos, articles, podcasts, social media interactions. We hope to reach ~1000 people. Right now we’re doing a pilot run.

My LinkedIn profile.


Hi Ridvan!

Good luck with improving your video editing skills. I’ve been totally into it for the last 2 years. I hope you love it.



Hi Dale! Adding your photo is a great touch. It’s nice to put a face to a name.



Hello All,
I’m Missa Romero, Learning & Development Specialist at Trifecta. I’ve worked in marketing analytics for the past 5 years and now hoping to transfer those skills over to this role. Learning forward to learning as much as I can from everyone.


Hi all! I’m Christina Yu, CMO of NovoEd. I’ve spent most of my career in learning technology, starting with adaptive and personalized learning, moving to virtuality reality and now in social and collaborative learning. Before that, worked in writing, publishing, editing, and teaching.

Why I keep coming back to learning and love geeking out over it (the science, the philosophy, the trends, the tech): it’s sort of everything in life and work. Sometimes work and life are fun, sometimes not. But what you can get out of it consistently is learning. Learning on the job, learning from experience, learning from peers. That’s what you take with you, personally and professionally. Beyond achievements, compensation, and even relationships.

Particularly interested in holistic learning, learning that combines knowledge acquisition with experience and context, collaboration, feedback, and mentorship. Democratizing access to rich spaces of perspective, application, and expertise… previously reserved for elite few who attend special programs, high-po programs, or are on the executive track. For me, all social impact starts there. And all business impact starts there. Transform society and transform your business starting with people.


Cheers to all! I’m Leo Grassi, an instructional designer working with the Department of Defense (Defense Health Agency). My doctorate is in education technology, although my subject of interest (and dissertation topic) has been the analysis of human discourse and how to better structure academic interaction in efforts to yield good instructional outcomes. Glad to be a part of such a great community of teaching and learning professionals! Twitter (@reachleo) and LinkedIn (


Greetings everyone! I am Heather Hansen (she, her) and I am one of the team members on the Inclusive Diversity & Equity Team here at Allstate. My current role includes creating strategy for all of our learning & development relating to IDE across the enterprise. Additionally I support our global family of companies with their IDE training initiatives, including facilitation and content creation.

Feel free to connect with me on:


Thank you Dima. So far so fun :slight_smile:


Hi Everyone,

I’m Sara Cole, I’m also new to the L&D industry! I’m excited to dive in and learn more after working 6 years in technology and channel. I currently work as a Sales Enablement Manager for Celigo. I’d love to connect, you can find me here on LinkedIn.