Welcome! Introduce Yourself

Welcome, and thank you for joining The LX!

This group aims to provide high-value content, multihued conversations around key topics in learning and development, and networking for those in the learning experience design and L&D community.

Please introduce yourself!


2021 one (2)
Hello All. My name is Dale Hisiger, coming to you from Armonk, New York. That’s about 35 miles north of Manhattan. I’ve been in the L&D space for 30 years, so I certainly have seen a lot of changes to the tools we use to design our programs. What hasn’t changed though is the importance of clear Learning Objectives. They set the stage for the picture of success of your program, enable your sponsors to realistically understand if the organizational needs will be met, and provide the foundation for you to engage in a creative design process that will delight and energize your participants.

I took the LDX course a few years ago and have been a LDX Coach 3 times. I have a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, Post Masters Certificate in Organizational Development & Change Management, Certification as an Executive Coach and various assessment tools.
My four main competencies are Coaching, Facilitation, Instructional Design and Change Management Strategy.

Please connect with me on Linkedin at: linkedin.com/in/dalehisiger

I look forward to working with all of you to facilitate the development of great LDX material.


@dalerh21 We’re so glad you’re here. Community: Please welcome Dale, one of our facilitators here in #TheLX!


It is nice to meet you, Dale. I look forward to learning with you and from you during this LXD journey.
Thanks for all you do for the group!
Kathleen Ouellette

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Hi, I’m Trevor Sworn. Lived in Cambodia for more than 20 years and involved in primary, high school, vocational, coaching and apprenticeship development.
Espouse soft skills, Montessori, arts and PBL, prioritised for lifelong learning.
A summary of my views on ed would be the same as this RSA video by Sir Ken Robinson (one of my ed heroes): RSA ANIMATE: Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube
My LinkedIn: https://kh.linkedin.com/in/trevorsworn
Looking forward to getting to know and interacting with you.

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Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer Beech and I’m a freelance instructional designer and technical writer. I’m working on my company info, logo, design, etc. Right now, I have a name: B-Side Learning. Here’s my Linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifergbrooksbeech-learninganddevelopment/

A topic I am passionate about has developed recently–helping teachers and others transition to learning and development. I’ve been in the field for about a year so I love passing on what I have learned. I am endlessly learning about writing and storytelling in learning.

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Hello, @JennG, and thanks for joining. We have many freelance designers and teachers among us. If you’re inspired to share your storytelling, please do so. And you may know that our partner IDEO U uses our platform to power many of their online courses like Design Thinking and storytelling. Check them out here.

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Welcome, @TsMekong - sorry for the delay in this welcome! It sounds as if you’re a natural teacher.
Please check out our resources in the LX community and share your own.

We also offer a separate, free, 5-week LXD course each quarter. This is a great way to see NovoEd’s platform in action while also learning/engaging with some of the same people in this LX community.

The last day to register for the current cohort is tomorrow, April 22. Go here to register if you haven’t already.

Hello every one. I think I’ve missed a lot of things in the community.
Thank you @PeggyGreen for the invitation message by email.
So I’m Hamid from Algeria. Working for a governmental university.
I joined the LXD because I believe that learning will change in the future toward new models, so I took the experience to learn and experience how to adapt for the coming situations.
Thanks for NovoEd team and LXS community.
I’m really pleased to be with you.

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:slight_smile: ello LX Community :slight_smile:

I feel happy to join this community of learning and development professionals. My name is Jonathana & I work as a software engineer with interested in exploring new trends & technologies

I still want to share & learn as well as start my own conversation to answer my question & learn more. If there are any posts or resources that are suggested for new users; Please suggest with me.

Thank you…:slight_smile:

Hello, my name is George Rodrigues. I work as a Learning Experience Design Specialist at the CEPED laboratory at Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, where we create educational and informational content for Brazil’s civil defense. I’m from Florianópolis, Brazil, and I’m passionate about using GenAI tools to enhance learning experiences. You can find me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghdrodrigues/