Campfire Takeaways!

What were some of your favorite takeaways from the Campfire?

If the future of learning is social, and I believe it could be, why do we continue to engage solo learners in outdated modalities!? Work to be done!

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I love the topic of cognitive diversity and it was interesting how this correlated with connections and learning. As connections are being lost, cognitive diversity is going down, and new ideas fall as well. All in all bad for the organization. The solution is to rebuild connections!


Two things: 1) The awards ceremony, because it celebrates great L&D work while also showcasing what NE can do. Inspiring! 2) The last section was so much new stuff for me and I got confused and curious and will now go dive into the internet b/c I know that I missed a lot!


80% of knowledge transfer is based on Social Capital. How can we engage those positive bridge connector folks to bring learning more directly into the flow of work?


I also loved the awards ceremony, it was a great way to showcase what other companies are doing on design, content management and learners engagement. Definitely inspiring, and looking forward to test & try what I learned from these examples in the programs I’m working on with my team :wink: