Essential Components of Experience Based Learning

This post is part 4 -Practical Design Approaches For Experience-Based Learning of the 4 part blog the Instructional Design 3.0: Designing The Learner’s Journey.
by Michael W. Allen, pioneer in the e-learning industry since 1975.

The following is an excerpt from the part 4 blog.

“Experienced-based learning emphasizes the practice of learning outcome skills in actual contexts or contexts simulated as closely and cost-effectively as possible. Andresen, Boud, and Choen (2000) provide a list of general criteria for experience-based learning, applicable whether a digital platform is in use or not. The authors state that for learning to be truly experiential, the following attributes are necessary in some combination.”

  • The goal of experience-based learning involves something personally significant or meaningful to the students.
  • Students should be personally engaged.
  • Reflective thought and opportunities for students to write or discuss their experiences should be ongoing throughout the process.
  • The whole person is involved, meaning not just their intellect but also their senses, their feelings, and their personalities.
  • Students should be recognized for prior learning they bring into the process.
  • Teachers need to establish a sense of trust, respect, openness, and concern for the well-being of the students.

Part 4- The Essential Components of Experience-Based Learning


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Yes, @Roxann! Meaningful and engaged students in an environment that values “trust, respect, openness, and concern for well-being”. Gee, sounds like an ideal work environment too :wink:

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