Opinion: Hard skills blend into soft skills at the highest level of ability

For example, creative writing has a lot in common with coding.


Well…COBOL (look it up) has been billed as a “higher” language with “English-like” syntax. And one adjective used to describe some of the best code I’ve seen (and written) in other languages over the years is “elegant.” Dang close to “creative” if you ask me. :smiley:


Ditto PL/I @MilwJoe and thanks for the trip down memory lane!

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I think it blends within the context @alexgruhin. I blend “soft” skills into technical training such as the machine operator who also needs to write reports and verbally inform specific techs on the line of situations so within the skill training, I add errors where verbal and written skills must also be used to better prepare the person to be successful in the performance of the role.


My undergrad degree was in creative writing.

I earned a masters in computer science with a concentration in instructional design & technology.


There’s so much overlap.

GRAMMAR: If a JavaScript program is missing a semicolon, the code may not run.

FORM: If a poem doesn’t have 39 lines & 6 stanzas, it’s not a sestina.

I could go on…

Plus, I credit taking years of intensive writing workshops with giving me the ability to give & receive actionable feedback without getting upset or offending others.

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