Do you know why Web 3 is important for LXD professionals? The work place is changing and it is important to know how this impacts designing in the Web3 space.
Four things to be curious about and to take a deeper dive when you are ready:
Virtual space
Block chain
"This type of next-generation learning platform would still need subject matter experts, instructional designers, programmers, and other team members. But the focus would be on building skills — s **kills that an artificial intelligence-backed interface would demonstrate are currently being requested by the modern workplace. "
This constantly-being-updated list of skills could then link to the learning-related experiences and resources that people could choose from in order to develop those skills.**
I’m interested in this next evolution and see advantages in being able to “own” my portfolio and transcripts to create my learning journey experience. I also see content providers sharing/selling solutions from all access across the seamless platforms, yet I wonder how we’ll monitor for accuracy and effectiveness.
I added this post because I thought it was relevant to the LXD profession and my friend Bryan Alexander had a open discussion session last Thursday which piqued my interest.
The Web 3 LXD experience was discussed in rather intensive manner on my friend, Bryan Alexander’s weekly webinar- here’s the link. He’s a professor at Georgetown University and invites incredibly well known and highly visible guests in H.E. and business to discuss various topics and last week’s topic was Web 3. Interestingly, many participants in the chat went off on tangents, all related to some aspect of education and business.
A few strong opinioned participants wanted a return to the status quo way of teaching and learning and couldn’t seem to understand or embrace Web 3.0- a fixed type of mindset. Blockchain and transcripts were discussed as you mention too. It was a fantastic debate on ownership of transcripts and credentials!
Resistance to change and fear of the block chain and NFT was palpable. The forum is free weekly on Thursdays EST 2-3.
As designers it’s important to have an awareness, and discuss everything about Web 3. I know Drew, in earlier LXD course sessions, gave an in-depth view on Block Chain. I hope maybe we can bring the video as a resource into our LX Community too.