AI Chat GPT Changes the Way we Can and will Design

Learning Experience Designers can and should include Chat GPT as a tool to explore to help generate learning scenarios of all kinds. It is almost limitless. Keep in mind, it is not sentient, it can only locate information before 2021- right now in this current version. The next version is expected to be 400X more powerful.

CNN reported on a real estate agent saving an incredible amount of time using Chat GPT “has already changed the way they work, from writing listings and social media posts to drafting legal documents. It could also be used to automate repetitive tasks such as answering frequently asked questions and doing complex calculations.”

"CNN —

If you came across a four bedroom, 3.5 bathroom home listed for sale recently on a quiet cul-de-sac in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, you might not think twice about the online listing. It included typical real estate descriptions like “ideal for entertaining” and “ample space for relaxation.”

But JJ Johannes, the realtor for the home, created the description in less than five seconds by typing a few keywords into ChatGPT, a viral new AI chatbot tool that can generate elaborate responses to user prompts. It’s a task, he said, that would otherwise have taken him an hour or more to write on his own.

“It saved me so much time,” Johannes told CNN, noting he made a few tweaks and edits to ChatGPT’s work before publishing it. “It’s not perfect but it was a great starting point. My background is in technology and writing something eloquent takes time. This made it so much easier.”

Students study in the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
ChatGPT passes exams from law and business schools

Johannes is among the real estate agents experimenting with ChatGPT since it was released publicly in late November. Some residential and commercial agents told CNN it has already changed the way they work, from writing listings and social media posts to drafting legal documents. It could also be used to automate repetitive ta