Decemeber 2023 Lawyers Invest in using AI Technology

Hello LX Community Members!
This post invites your attention to notice how prominent lawyers and respective law firms, are right now looking at using AI with the hope of potentially accessing market databases in new ways. As I happenstance across this Bloomberg Law article, believing this is worthy and timely to share as we note the one year recognition of generative AI.

““Whoever adopts that most expeditiously, with the right approaches, will be well served in the short and long run for their business and clients,” said Wertman, who co-founded Noetica with Tom Effland and Yoni Sebag”

         As learning design professionals,  keep in mind how exploring, adopting or integrating  AI  might impact each industry,- the risks and the benefits, the known and the unknowns, as we are still exploring and learning about this new technology. The LX Community provides us with a wonderful platform here, for all of us to collectively discuss our experiences.

“Wertman’s time at BlackRock Inc. prior to graduating from Harvard Law School and then at Wachtell helped him realize that technology could help law firms, lenders, banks, and investment managers in the [corporate debt market, he said.”

He said he was sitting at his desk at Wachtell one day and asked a senior lawyer how to access a market database to check if a borrower of a certain type could get specific terms. The answer? It didn’t exist.


Your kind comments, thoughts and discussions are always welcomed .