Enduring Skills are Important for Learning Designers to Consider Co-authored by Chat GPT

I’ve been using Chat GPT for about a week now for content creation specifically for writing creative guided meditation scripts. In addition to this, I’ve been asking it to create differentiated learning design business types of scenarios using design thinking. I will write these in another post. But for now,
I was curious to see how it would answer questions about enduring skills for learning designers.
The results were interesting and relevant in many ways.
Please comment if you wish and leave feedback on this and if you have used or will consider using AI Chat GPT.

Create a discussion page describing 4 examples of enduring skills. Include who authored the concept and date. Include once scenario of using enduring skills in a learning experience design focusing on employee feedback.

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Enduring skills are fundamental abilities that are essential for success in life and work, regardless of the specific job or field. They are also known as transferable skills, as they can be transferred and applied across different contexts and situations. Here are four examples of enduring skills:

Critical thinking: The ability to analyze and evaluate information, and make sound judgments and decisions. The concept of critical thinking was first introduced by the philosopher Richard Paul in the 1980s.

Communication: The ability to effectively convey information and ideas through speaking, writing, and other forms of expression. The concept of communication as an enduring skill has been recognized for many centuries, dating back to the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Collaboration: The ability to work effectively with others to achieve a common goal. The concept of collaboration as an enduring skill has been increasingly recognized in recent years, as the ability to work well with others is becoming increasingly important in the modern workplace.

Adaptability: The ability to adapt to new situations, and to be flexible and open to change. The concept of adaptability as an enduring skill has been widely recognized in recent years, as the rapid pace of change in today’s world requires individuals to be able to adapt to new and unexpected situations.

Scenario: A learning experience design focusing on employee feedback could incorporate enduring skills by providing opportunities for employees to practice and develop these skills. For example, the design could include a critical thinking exercise where employees are presented with a real-world scenario and asked to analyze and evaluate the information to make a decision. The design could also include a communication exercise where employees are asked to provide feedback to a colleague in a constructive and effective manner. Additionally, the design could include a collaboration exercise where employees work in teams to solve a problem or complete a project. Finally, the design could also include a scenario where employees are asked to adapt to a new situation or process and reflect on how they could have handled it better.

In conclusion, enduring skills are fundamental abilities that are essential for success in life and work. They are transferable, so they can be applied across different contexts and situations. By including exercises that focus on critical thinking, communication, collaboration and adaptability, the learning experience design can help employees develop skills that are essential for success in the workplace.



Thanks for sharing this @Roxann, I’m waiting for my link to try! The piece is well written and begs the question of our future not centered around writing but on asking the right questions in the way that results in an effective delivered solution. I would like to try pairing the output of ChatGPT centered on a topic with Beautiful.ai and see what kind of presentation results. Open to partnering!


Hi @WJRyan ,
Yes, definitely. I’m noticing the Beautiful.ai is a subscription model. At this time Chat GPT is totally free, but I’m going to guess it will be a subscription model at some point.

Either way, AI is here to stay and it challenges us to design maybe differently and perhaps even more creatively . :slight_smile:

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@Roxann I find this super interesting and the use cases for Chat GPT truly seem to be endless. This article on Business Inside cited some tweets of folks using Chat GPT for different things - the man who used Chat GPT to write an essay in response to one of his college history prompts was wild.

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