I want to know Resources for Learning and Improving with ChatGPT

Hey everyone,

I have been diving into the world of AI & started exploring how to use ChatGPT more effectively for both personal and professional tasks. I know many of you are also into learning & sharing resources so I figured this would be the perfect place to ask for tips and suggestion.

What are your favorite ways to learn and improve when using tools like ChatGPT? Also, if you have any unique ChatGPT Prompts or strategies that have worked well for you I want to hear about those too!

I have been experimenting with creating prompts for content writing, brainstorming & even improving my coding knowledge but I feel like there is still so much more to learn.

As well, I found these resources when doing research on this; SAM Workflor for Integrating ChatGPT in Learning Experiences & if anyone have any resources, tutorials or personal experiences please share with me, It would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you……. :slight_smile:

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Welcome @wennad, great question. I’ve been using Claude and CoPilot more than ChatGPT but what I’ve found common across these platforms is what you get is based on how you ask the question (a reason I believe instructional, and experience designers are well suited to work with business partners in making the tools effective in the workflow).

I wrote a free eBook on The CRISP Method, Clarity, Refine, Intent, Specificity, Precision. You can tap into on this method (and eBook) here: The CRISP Method ebook.pdf

Hope this helps spur conversations that are effective and CRISP! - bill