What are some innovative ideas for content beyond just a storyline or video lecture?

I realize these are typical L&D standbys. But what makes for better content?

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I’m thinking this question addresses presenting content in innovative ways, which often can be challenging even for the best LXD designers.
I’m thinking of two right now that can be implemented rather quickly and have gained in popularity too.
In online, AKA, digital teaching and learning environments,
gamification has been used often in health and safety fields but can be used almost in anywhere in any environment.
Also, recently types of full VR immersive experiences are becoming more mainstream. The unique thing about the metaverse is that a web browser can now be used to create another type of virtual VR-simulation, where content can be delivered non-tangibly and innovative ways too.


@Roxann we really enjoy your suggestion on VR and gamification - VR simulations in particular are an interesting recommendation.
Anyone else have some suggestions?

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Simulations are helpful for taking students through content, and this allows them to be part of the story rather than just listening passively. They can be delivered in lots of ways even if you don’t have a big budget. Designing things like escape rooms, scavenger hunts, and choose your own adventure experiences for the class can get them making decisions and into active learning. You can go low tech with these just using pen and paper to having participants get involved with an augmented reality experience.

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As I read this post I was reminded of a prior post exchange with @Roxann about the #metaverse so I offer more ideas to share. VR Brings the Corporate Metaverse One Step Closer to Reality (reworked.co)

I still sese augmented reality solutions providing cost, and time, effective solutions now and wonder when more VR options will move into the mainstream.

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