What do you believe about L&D that no one else believes?

Share some of your favorite responses from our first campfire breakout: what do you believe about L&D that no one else believes?


I know the Campfire isn’t until the 19th, but the question is near to my heart, and that is that learning is a strategic business tool, and we can show a positive Return on Learning.

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I thought the Campfire was on the 19th too? I’m thinking about the intentionality for human well- being in L & D and if this will be integrated in measurable ways in the future.

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I believe that leadership (skills) can be learned and is not an innate trait.


Technology is not always the answer…gasp!


Managers have more of an impact on what their directs learn than learning professionals. (CMM! :grin:)


A bold comment - but very true!

As excited as I get about the power of learning technology to make the world a better place, I’ve learned that scaling adoption requires balancing technology with the human element. I love how cohort-based learning brings more of the human element back into the experience!


I believe that leadership development should be for every employee, not just those in, or wanting to be in a leadership position. Everybody leads something, even if it’s just themselves!

I’ll add that training isn’t always the answer either @dianegsb ! :slight_smile: